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2024 Program Calendar

                       Non-members - $10 fee for meetings with * & $30 additional charge for workshops.



Jan 25 – Monthly Meeting:  Alice McElwain presents "The 3 Disciplines - Appraising, Judging & Documentation of Quilts".    Join us as we hear from member and AQS Certified Quilt Appraiser, Alice McElwain.  St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Springdale at 6:30 pm.


Jan 27 - Super Saturday Sew Day:  Helen Hefner - "Design Board Notebook".  

Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Fayetteville - 9-3 pm.  This folding,

portable design board makes a convenient way to lay out your block

pieces and transport them.  $10 for members; $20 for non-members

(if space available)


Feb 22 - Monthly Meeting:  Schoolhouse DemosQUILT members Ileene Kelly, Mary Beth Fairchild, Jeanette Arnhart and Wanda Eash will be sharing tips and tricks related to quilting.  St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Springdale at 6:30 pm.


March 28 - Monthly Meeting:  Trunk Show by Christopher Ritthaler - LOCATION CHANGE TO SPRINGDALE SENIOR CENTER, 203 Park Street in Springdale at 6:30 pm.  A quilter for ten years, Chris will be bringing both his and his mother's quits, as well as some antique quilts to share.  While Chris does mostly pieced quilts and LOVES color, he says he always thought it was so silly to cut up fabric to sew it back together again . . . until he did it!  And he's never looked back!


April 25 - Monthly Meeting:  Trunk Show by charter member Sharon Phillips - St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Springdale at 6:30 pm.  A quilter since the bi-centennial in 1976, Sharon started out with cardboard templates and scissors.  She has taught and worked in various quilt shops in the area, was a charter member of the QUILT Guild of NWA in 1985, and first president for the guild.  She helped to chair our very first Quilt Show and made the fabulous specialty ribbons for Best of Show, Judge's Choice and Viewer's Choice for every show until the last two.  Sharon favors scrap quilts, wool work, and primitive styles.  Her trunk show will include traditional style quilts along with wool/cotton appliqué.


April 27 - Super Saturday Sew Day:  Mikki Stone - "Double Tall Triangles Quilt"

First Presbyterian Church in Rogers from 9-3 pm.  This will be a stash buster and

charm square friendly quilt.  Participants need to bring a 45-degree isosceles

triangle ruler in addition to fabric.  See Wanda Eash for a complete supply list.  

$10 for members; $20 for non-members (if space available)



May 23 - "Airing of the Quilts" - At Loneta Blevins' home (3302 Perry Road in Rogers), which is at the southeast corner of Pinnacle Hills Promenade).  Members should bring their own sack dinner and drink, and Board members will provide desserts.  Paper plates and napkins will be provided.  Members should bring a lawn chair, quilts to share, and sheeting to protect their quilts displayed on the fences.  After eating and a short business meeting, we will walk the fencerow and hear a brief story of the quilts brought by each member.  This event is always a highlight of the year!  In the event of rain, please watch your email.


June 27 - Monthly Meeting:  Timna Tarr presents "Flying Colors Trunk Show".  Timna is known for making fun, colorful, and national award-winning quilts.  Join her for a trunk show of her quilting journey.  She talks about her design and color choices, as well as the personal stories behind the quilts.  She will give you a big nudge out of your comfort zone.; IG @timnatarr, FB Timna Tara Quilts.  $10 fee for non-members for tonight's program.  St. Thomas Episcopal Church at 6:30 pm.


June 28 - Workshop "Stitched Mosaics" with Timna Tarr.  St. Thomas Episcopal

Church from 9:00 to 4:00 pm.  Create a quilt one square at a time in this workshop.  

Learn the techniques that make up Timna's Barnyard Series of animal quilts.  

Using a kit provided in class, the process of making a fabric mosaic using turned

edge machine appliqué is explained.  We will break down the construction process,

explore color and value as design elements, and learn how to choose the right

fabric for the right location.  $30 members, $60 non-members (if space available).  

Kit fee of $45 required for workshop.  Kit includes fabric squares needed for the

top (finishes 11" x 11"), photo, and assorted notions.  This workshop is full at this time.


July 25 - Monthly Meeting:  Trunk Show by Carol Parrish - St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Springdale at 6:30 pm.Carol has been sewing for many years, being taught by her mother and her 4-H Club.  In 1976, Carol made her first quilt – a red, blue and floral patchwork quilt of 6” squares tied with yarn.  After taking a hiatus for several years, she experienced a renewed interest in quilting in the late 1980’s.  What sparked her interest?  A local quilt show at the Park Inn put on by Q.U.I.L.T.   Carol was blown away by what she saw and the rest is history.  Carol joined the guild and has tried her hand at all aspects of quilting.  She is still quilting!  Her favorite technique is applique, but she also enjoys piecing.  Her trunk show will not disappoint!  We hope to see you there!


July 27 - Super Saturday Sew Day:  Elizabeth Childs - "Receipt Quilt"

Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Fayetteville from 9-3 pm.  Learn how to take a

small jelly roll (20 strips or any 2.5" strips) and a roll of receipt paper and make

this super fast quilt top.  Supply list to come.  Elizabeth will provide receipt paper.  

$10 for members; $20 for non-members (if space available)




August 22 - Monthly Meeting:  Charles Cameron - "A Curious Quilter's Trunk Show" - St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Springdale at 6:30 pm.  Charles Cameron is a nationally recognized modern quilter,

quilt pattern writer and lecturer.  His quilts have been juried into some of the world's largest quilt shows. Charles is a "curious" modern quilter, and his trunk show will share some of his favorite quilts and the inspiration behind them.  He will share quilts inspired by a curiosity to explore other quilting techniques, such as improv, foundation paper piecing, and pixilation.  IG @FeltLike Sweets   $10 fee for non-members

for tonight's program.


August 23 - Workshop "Crooked Crosses and Bent Boxes" with Charles Cameron

St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Springdale from 9:00-4:00 pm.  "Semi-improv" is a

technique for those who want the look and feelof improv, but who aren't quite

ready to give up their rulers.  The workshop willkick off with a detailed overview

of the pattern to orient the participants.  Handson instruction will be provided for

each step, and classroom time will be allowed for participants to progress toward

making a 30" x 30" wall hanging or a 15" x 60" table runner.  We'll use a ruler at every

step!  All participants are required to purchase the Crooked Crosses and Bent Boxes

pattern and will need 6 FQ's in various colors and color values.  A 5.5" square

quilting ruler is highly recommded.$30 for members, $60 for non-members (if

space available).


Sept 26 - Monthly Meeting:  Blair Stocker (of WiseCraft) - "Find the Value in Your Scraps"

St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Springdale at 6:30 pm.  Blair Stocker is a national quilt teacher, lecturer, and creates sewing tools, patterns, and kits.  Understanding and using the color value differences between your fabrics in an intentional way can be a powerful design tool.  It can create unique "sparkle" to your work.  Blair will take you through a practical exploration of color value relationships between fabrics in your stash, how to understand it, and more importantly how to use it in your quilts.  You will leave with brand new inspiration for your existing stash.  $10 fee for non-members for tonight's program.


Sept 27 - Workshop "Starflake Quilt" with Blair Stocker:  St. Thomas Episcopal

Church in Springdale from 9:00 to 4:00 pm.  Let's divide your stash into 3 values

and learn the design elements of complex color value relationships.  We will cover

concepts like using the same fabric for different values, how to set design

parameters that inspire you, and making consistent design decisions in a complex

design like this.  The more fabrics the better, so plan on bringing many different

printed fabrics (no solids).  This is a great opportunity to use FQ's, charm packs,

scraps for either 3.5" or 4.5", etc.  Blair suggests 40-50.  You can duplicate a fabric

a few times.  Each participant required to purchase the Starflake Quilt Pattern and

Blair's Ruby Ruler (both for only $25).  Purchase at this link and she will deliver them

to you the day of the workshop.

Workshop is suitable for intermediate quilters.  $30 members, $60 non-members (if space available).


Oct 12 – Cuddly Quilts Workday – Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Fayetteville from 9:00 to 4:00. Everyone welcome to participate!  You can work on your own Cuddly Quilt donation project, help to sandwich quilts (top/batting/backing), or attach labels to completed quilts.  Mikki Stone will be teaching basic quilting to members so they can learn to help finish the quilts.  We’ll have quilt sandwiches for you to work on; just bring your sewing machine and basic sewing supplies.  If you can’t come all day, come and stay for as long as you can.​​​


Oct 24 - Monthly Meeting:  Trunk Show by Kathy Turner - St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Springdale at 6:30 pm.  Member Kathy Turner will take us on her journey with fiber arts from 1980 to today, both personally and professionally.  From learning to spin and weave, to felting raw wool and alpaca fibers, she will speak on what it takes to grow cotton and produce yarns, threads and cotton batting.  She will highlight several of her “made to order” quilts and discuss her adventures in the long arm quilting business.


Nov 9 - Super Saturday Sew Day:  Wanda Eash - "Vintage Hankie Quilt" - First Presbyterian Church in Rogers from 9-3 pm.  This is a great project to repurpose your vintage hankies/linens, etc into memory-type quilts.  You can use any theme or color you'd like; such as Christmas, Patriotic, etc.   You are only limited by your imagination.  $10 for members; $20 for non-members.








Dec 5 - Monthly Meeting:  Q.U.I.L.T. Holiday Party - St. Thomas Episcopal Church inn Springdale at 6:00 pm. Refreshments, games, and “Big Reveal” of programs for 2025. 


​April 4 & 5, 2025 – Quilt Show at Benton County Fairgrounds

Hundreds of quilts, bed turning, vendor mall, guild store, small quilt auction,

quilt appraisals, raffle quilt and food!  Registration starts January 2025.



How to register for classes:  

Contact Wanda Eash at - registration is not final until payment is received - class fees not refundable.


Board Meetings:

2nd Monday monthly - 6:00 pm.  All members invited, please notify President if you have something to add to the agenda (at least 1 week in advance). 


2025 Quilt Show Committee Meetings:

Meeting monthly until the April 2025 Quilt Show.  Refer to your monthly newsletter for dates and times.

Contact Wanda Eash or Helen Hefner for more information.



More events  & information may be added throughout the year.  They will be listed here, on Facebook & Instagram, and in the Guild Newsletter.



Q.U.I.L.T. Guild of NW Arkansas

PO Box 1364
Springdale, Arkansas 72765


General Inquiries:

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©2019 by Q.U.I.L.T. Guild of NW Arkansas. 

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