QUILT Board Members
President - Lori Jones
Vice President - Rose Lawrence
Secretary - Joan Beyette
Treasurer - Ileene Kelly
2025 Quilt Show -
Chair: Wanda Eash
Co-Chair: Elizabeth Childs
Programs - Wanda Eash
Membership - Marty Stanchi
Cuddly Quilts - Joan Beyette & Donna Murray
Sew Much Valor - Elizabeth Childs & Paula Dutton
Newsletter - Adele Atha
Sunshine & Shadows - Joe Ann Reaves
Social Media - Wanda Eash
Volunteer Coordinator - Joe Ann Reaves
Properties - Marty Stanchi & Adele Atha
The QUILT Board meets by Zoom on the second Monday of each month. All members are welcome to attend. If you would like to speak (or would like the Zoom link), please contact the President at least one week before the meeting to be added to the agenda.
Contact the board members at quiltguildnwa@gmail.com or use the membership directory.
The board members usually serve 2 year terms. The next election will be in held in the spring of 2025. The new board will be sworn in at The Airing of the Quilts in May, 2025.
Q.U.I.L.T. Guild of NW Arkansas
PO Box 1364
Springdale, Arkansas 72765